It is two weeks already since we got married and we can at last breath and look backward. We remind ourselves of those moments of loveliness and happiness that we experienced under the Houpa. You have been just perfect - the perfect pitch, the right tune that gave the tone to the whole event. The right equilibrium between remembering recent sad and painful difficulties and the transition to the joy of the wedding was exactly what all of us needed. And then you knew how to address the right speech to our audience composed of both seculars and religious people, which is quite remarkable. Both part of the audience pointed out that your words were authentic and true.
We are not the only ones to have this impression- we hear what our guests, family and friends tell us - they all repeat the same word - respect, a ceremony full of respect- you did manage to create this atmosphere that influenced the whole ceremony. It was not easy, with all that was unexpected and we fondly thank you and admire for everything you have given us on this occasion.